Monday, August 19, 2013

Today was the first day at my new school.

I met a teacher who is a triathlete, and she is doing the same half ironman that I am doing!  So excited to have another resource to bounce ideas off of and training trips.

I talked to her about swimming, and she said that her husband rigged something up so that they swim "banded" and can swim continuously.  I need to ask her to take pictures and send it to me.  I could potentially recreate this in the pool in my backyard, and still continue swimming.  I know I can train at the local pool at the college, but that seems sooooo far away!  (Killeen is not that big of a town!)

Our PE teachers are going to start doing Insanity as a school, so we can all get in shape!  The teacher I mentioned earlier, also needs to work on her running, which is something I need to do as well.

So excited about the new year and all that lies in front of me!

Oh, and 75 thrusters at crossfit is not easy!!!!

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