I am the queen of not training, and signing up for long distances, and hoping for the best.
Tonight at crossfit I noticed a difference now that Sheila is making me accountable.
I am faster, I am stronger, and even at 40 years old, I am a rock star.
We swam at the crack ass of dawn, and what should have taken us a while was over in about half an hour, even with us extending the warmup and cool down.
We are getting fast. Really fast.
Did I mention that we swam with our crossfit coach on Sunday?
Korin RX
Sheila RX
He admits that it was hard. Nice to finally beat him at something, not that I am competitive or anything.
I was up at 5 am to swim, and then after class all day I hit the WOD, then rowed for 2K, then did pullups.
I think I am on to something....
biggest rock star I know! Keep kicking ass lady!