Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What time are we swimming?

I am following the intermediate half ironman training plan that Sheila found on the internet.  This morning, it required me to get up at 4:30 AM to hit the pool.  Of course after my two mile run yesterday, and an hour and a half on the trainer, I should have fallen into bed.  Instead, I managed to stay up till midnight.

I made it to the pool on time though, and completed the 1250 meter swim.

I was awake!  Alive!  Ready to seize the day!  I came home with all intentions of studying and working on my thesis.  I ate my breakfast, settled down to work, and promptly fell asleep.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with me lying on the couch, covered up with a blanket, and the lights off.

One of the hardest things I am finding hard to do is balance my time with everything that I want to do and need to do.  I need to clean my house.  I need to write my thesis, I need to study for my MRT test on Monday morning.

I really just need to buckle down and do it all, and quit worrying about facebook, or reading articles on cycling, or how to improve my run.  (BTW, all evidence points to the only way to get faster and stronger for the bike portion is.....more time in the saddle.)  I guess I was hoping for some magic cure or exercise.

My eating has been on point, and I even made jalapeño hummus for a snack.  I put 5 jalapeños in it, and it still didn't have the kick in it that I was looking for.  Hot=better.

I followed the recipe found on pinterest:
Everyone that has tried it, swear by it.  I am the worst about drinking water unless I am sweating it out during some physical activity.  I'll let you know how it turns out!

I've got black beans cooking, my water infusing, and a thesis calling my name.  I'll leave you with a conversation from last night.

I walk into the living room after I had finished up on the trainer and found this.

Me:  What are you doing?
Junior:  Riding a bike.
Me:  To where?
Junior:  To my ironman.
Me:  You sure you want to do that?
Junior:  If they let me use floaties and training wheels, I am in.

I hope that one of them is motivated by the example that I try to set for them!

1 comment:

  1. I'll come help clean while you study if you want! And as always Andrew is awesome!
