Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Workouts

I think I like Sunday workouts the best.

I have few commitments, and I often have the time to put forth the effort.

Today my training partner and I biked from Fort Hood to BLORA.  We did about 35 miles round trip before we hit the pool.  I know that we could have gone further, but it started to get hot.  Texas hot.  So we opted to end at 35.  Next weekend though, I think we will go at least 56 or just under.

I just discovered that mapmyrun allows me to customize bike routes too.  This could be dangerous.  Very dangerous.

Things that I thought about on our ride:
  1.  I need to work on nutrition.  What do I need to do during the race in order to be successful?
  2.  Training does work, and I am so much stronger than I was when I did my last tri at the end of June.  So much stronger.  It's amazing!
  3.  Maybe I don't suck at the bike as much as I thought!

I still have a long way to go, but at least I am making progress, and that makes my time on the trainer worth it.  Gunner mentioned getting a hard tire to put on my bike for the trainer, so we don't have to keep switching out the tire that I use on the trainer, to one appropriate for the road.  I guess it's one more thing that I need to do in all my free time time.

Gunner took the Jr and Em fishing tonight.  Maybe they will be able to satisfy my craving for fish tonight.  If not, I have salmon as a backup.  Tomorrow I hit the paleo program hard, and I am determined to get in fighting form.  My roomie from Baylor is going to be competing in the same triathlon, and she is a dorce to be reckoned with, so I have to be on my game!

Tomorrow I just have to run.....early or late.....that's the question right now.

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